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A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Reception 5pm to 8pm
on First Friday Art Walk
Nov 3rd, 2017
Featured Artists
MCAA - Mendocino County Artists Association
ACU "Farm to Table"
Some of the artwork from instructors
and students who participated
in our 2017 education program
will be on display the entire
month of November.
Mono printing, Felting, Beading, Watercolor, Oils, and Plein Aire at Rancho Mariposa,
with Tom Zephyrs was focus of workshops.
Instructor art includes
Tom Zephyrs,
Ursula Partch,
Nancy Collins,
Clark Mitchell
Kate Gould.
Corner Gallery
Mendocino County Artists Association
“MCAA 2017 Student Retrospective”
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