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A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Reception 5pm to 8pm
on First Friday Art Walk
Sept. 4th, 2015
ACU “ Small Works”
(open to the public 12”X12” or smaller)
Featured Artists,
Ellen Boulanger
Barbara Phelps

Ellen Boulanger and

I began oil painting after working with fused glass. The story is long and complicated as to why I left hot glass for another medium. I began plein air painting 10 years ago, and over the past decade, my work has become looser and the paint thicker.
The pieces in this exhibit show the transition from my early plein air and studio paintings to my present abstractions depicting what I see and what I feel.
Ellen Boulanger
Ellen Boulanger's Artist Bio:
Basically I’m a self taught oil painter, although I have taken a number of painting classes and attended plein air workshops from Bay Area artists. As a plein air painter, I paint the views that surround me to capture a moment in time, to record the ever changing scenery, whether it be a seasonal or a man-made transformation. I paint to give voice to the pigments applied to my canvas, each painting a challenge and a never ending learning experience. I paint to bring my love of color and brush stroke to those who enjoy the music it conveys.

Most recently, I’ve been painting abstract art and find the experience of pushing the paint around is a way to connect with my inner feelings.

Barbara J. Phelps
Saturday mornings curled up in her covers, Barbara at seven years old would awake early to devour the lush book illustrations she followed in her dreams- the Russian Fairy Tales (artist Benvenuti), 1001 Arabian Nights, Ancient Chinese Fables, Tales of the Raven and of the Coyote. The most treasured times in her life were deeply enjoyed by drawing them: the birch trees in the yard, her collie dogs, elephants in the zoo.
Barbara muses we all reinvent ourselves at different points in our lives. Or perhaps we truly embrace what we're already doing. These words were once anathema to her but she can now truly say she has re-invented herself and now embraces technology - the camera and Photoshop - whole heartedly as an essential part of her personal art work.
Little did she know 50 years after those captivating Saturday mornings that she would be creating illustrations on the computer. Much has transpired in her artistic career as well as in the field of image-making since then. In her life and career: watercolor and works on paper, graphic design, bronze and clay sculpture. In technology: desktop publishing, digital printers as well as scanners and cameras.
Barbara Phelps is MFA Instructor,
look for her in the
Mendocino College Schedule of Classes under Art :
Art 86-Photoshop,
Art 282- Photography
Art 281-Computer Graphics Design
Barbara teaches in a
'want-to-learn' way." - Darren,
Art 86-Photoshop, 2015
Barbara may be reached at
to answer questions about classes
or for purchasing this art work.

Barbara moved from Silicon Valley life (think Apple Computer) into a log home in Lake County that her husband built in 2006. She and her husband and two dogs have thoroughly enjoyed rural life. She has been teaching Art and Design at Mendocino college since Fall 2009 and loves to witness her students produce exceptional art work.
These images were captured in Mendocino, Lake and Napa. She has made additions to emphasize the essence of the moment that she captured it.
Art Center Ukiah
Invites the public to enter your art in our "Small Works" show.
Enteries open to the all mediums.
Forms Here or pick one up at the Corner Gallery.

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