A quick look at the front windows
Corner Gallery Ukiah
Featured Artists for September 2021
Ukiah Photography club

Valley of Dreams, New Mexico” by Volkhard Stürzbecher

“Mallard Drake with Western Pond Turtle” by Park Steiner

“Sundial Bridge, Redding” by Tom Raymondson
The Ukiah Photography Club, founded in 2010 by Chris Pugh and Judy Judd, is a group of Mendocino County photographers with a range of styles, experience, and expertise. The Club's strength is in its diversity – professional and amateur, advanced and beginner, digital and film, color and black & white, documentary and artistic, landscape and studio, portrait and abstract, telephoto and macro, even Canon and Nikon. Visitors are always welcome to the meetings. For more information visit ukiahphoto.club or contact ukiahphotoclub@comcast.net.
Last year would have been our 10th Anniversary Show, but obviously it didn't happen. We are thrilled to be back in Corner Gallery Ukiah with photographs from seven of our members:
Adel Clark
Kent Leland
Martin McClure
Tom Raymondson
Park Steiner
Volkhard Stürzbecher
Chris Watt