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Ellen Boulanger

Artist Statement:
     I began oil painting after working with fused glass. The story is long and complicated as to why I left hot glass for another medium. I began plein air painting 10 years ago, and now dabble with abstract painting. Over the past decade my work has become looser and the paint thicker. I paint plein air, as well as studio paintings, and also abstractions which depict what I feel, rather than what I see.  
Artist Bio: 
     Basically I’m a self taught oil painter, although I have taken a number of painting classes and attended plein air workshops from Bay Area artists.  As a plein air painter, I paint the views that surround me to capture a moment in time, to record the ever changing scenery, whether it be a seasonal or a man-made transformation. I paint to give voice to the pigments applied to my canvas, each painting a challenge and a never ending learning experience. I paint to bring my love of color and brush stroke to those who enjoy the music it conveys.
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